Caroline Coggins Workshop

Friday 10 - Sunday 12 November

We are very excited to host a Caroline Coggins Workshop Weekend at Yarraville Yoga Centre. 

Please read below Caroline’s words on the weekend workshop, followed by the booking details at the bottom.

Invitation to all

Following the path of slow knowledge, having a teacher- finding the freedom that unfolds with path walking- listening closely-coming to accept ourselves, returning to our true nature, as Geeta would say. 

We work to weave  breath, mind,  body,  and in such a way we come to know the  basement material. Ever unfolding integration brings a quieter mind,  a sense of the spirit in all things. 

Wild Geese, a much loved poem by Mary Oliver, is arresting. ‘You only have to love the soft fur of your body’.  Every cell of our body has a story. We don’t know so much by hearing words but by another language, a cellular knowing. We don’t heal so much by fixing as by bringing ourselves back.  Home. Weaving  our way back into our living theology.

About Caroline Coggins

I first  met BKS  Iyengar when he visited Australia in 1983. I was a young practitioner, already an osteopath. The meeting was electric. Energy charged the room. 

I decided right then and there to study in India with him. 

I then returned most years until his death in 2013. I studied with the whole family over the years, but it was Geeta who became my teacher of the heart. 

Psychoanalysis, which is s bit like yoga,  path walking, was to make sense of my emotional life held within the body, to give it a structure, then to practice as a psychotherapist and to hear others journeys. 

Spirit, always a deep stream in my life, returned me to my roots and I became a Catholic. I completed an MA in Theology and Spiritual direction, other ways to  listen. 

In 2021 I closed my school of almost 40 years in Sydney and began the next stage of the journey. 

This stage takes time and needs time.  

I continue to travel and teach, having more time to integrate all that has informed my journey. Mentoring  students, teachers, seekers, has been an inspiring  learning. 

The practice life unfolds and shapes each of us in time, back into our truer selves,  a freer place.

I am happy to return to Melbourne after many years. 

Caroline Coggins Workshop Sessions

Friday 10 November
6:00pm – 7:30pm,  Restorative

Saturday 11 November
8:00am – 10:30am, Asana 
1:00pm – 2:30pm, Restorative/Pranayama 
3:00pm – 4:30pm Cake and Chai with Caroline, (FREE with Weekend Pass)
Sunday 12 November
8:00am – 10:30am, Asana, 
1:00pm – 3:30pm Teacher Training Workshop, 
Full weekend pass (excluding teacher training)
YYC Members receive a 10% discount
Use code YYCMEM
Instructions for booking
You must both:
  • Buy the appropriate pass and
  • Book into each of the sessions you plan to attend.

Buy A Pass

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